Special Education

Students with disabilities will continue to receive services across all continuums of Special Education to meet their Individualized needs.

Students in district programs will have access to additional in-person learning in the yellow hybrid scenario. (To be implemented on a gradual staggered schedule, using increased health and safety protocols.)

For all other students receiving special ed services, we will prioritize delivering those services in school when possible If it’s not possible, services will be delivered via remote learning or teletherapy.

  • Special education and gifted services and programs will be aligned with District-wide Consistencies across each scenario.

  • Every member of the Special Education and Chapter 104 staff will serve as a Portland Promise Point Person.

  • Services will be delivered in consistent, small-group cohorts, and whenever possible, in the students’ general education cohort.

  • Related services (Speech/Language, OT, PT, Social Work) will be delivered in person to the greatest extent possible and through remote teletherapy if necessary.

  • If remote learning is in place (Yellow or Red), most students will receive some/ all services remotely (specially designed instruction and/or teletherapy).

  • In a Red scenario, district programs (Bridge, Beach, Breathe) will be prioritized for some level of in-person instruction Increased health and safety precautions will be closely followed, including spacing and Personal Protective Equipment requirements for students and staff.

  • Individual plans will be made for students who are unable to participate in school through the IEP process.