Student Support

Social Emotional Learning

Recognizing the significant disruptions caused by COVID-19, we are prioritizing students’ social emotional development and overall well-being in all of our structures and scenarios. Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School (CASEL, 2020) was used as a guide to inform recommendations for school reopening. The four SEL critical practices are as follows:

SEL Critical Practice 1: Take time to cultivate and deepen relationships, build partnerships, and plan for SEL.

  • Foster new relationships that elevate student and family voice.

  • Use two-way communication strategies.

  • Examine the impact of SEL efforts.

  • Build a broad coalition and integrate SEL into your plans.

SEL Critical Practice 2: Design opportunities where adults can connect, heal, and build their capacity to support students.

  • Allow space for communication, listening, and healing among adults.

  • Ensure access to mental health and trauma support.

  • Identify opportunities for innoncation and anti-racist practices.

  • Provide embedded professional learning.

SEL Critical Practice 3: Create safe, supportive, and equitable learning environments that promote all students’ social and emotional development.

  • Build adult-student and peer relationships.

  • Weave in opportunities for SEL practice and reflection.

  • Implement a comprehensive system of supports.

  • Discuss the impact of pandemic and racial inequity.

  • Collaborate with family and partners.

SEL Critical Practice 4: Use data as an opportunity to share power, deepen relationships, and continuously improve support for students, families, and staff.

  • Elevate student voice in reflection and action on data.

  • Support educators in reflecting on instruction and environment.

  • Partner with families and community members to improve experience and outcomes.